Thursday, December 16, 2010

Man's eyebrow raising mug shot... taken just after he 'swallowed an entire bag of cocaine'

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 3:29 PM on 3rd December 2010

He'd better be careful the wind doesn't change or his face may stay that way.

This bizarre mug shot was taken of 18-year-old Art Taylor - just minutes after he allegedly swallowed an entire bag of cocaine.

Taylor was driving his car in Massachusetts when police witnessed him making the minor traffic offence.

They pulled him over - and became suspicious when Taylor refused to give them his license or registration.

Enlarge Art Taylor was suspected of swallowing a bag of cocaine in  Massachusetts

Freaked out: Art Taylor, 18, from Massachusetts was pulled over for a minor traffic offence when he allegedly swallowed a bag of cocaine

Then, suddenly, he darted in to action.

'He made a quick movement to the centre console, and there was a small baggie with a white powder in it', Police spokesperson Ron Brandolini said.

He added: 'He immediately made a movement to put it in his mouth'.

Officers then struggled with the teenager to stop him from swallowing the bag of white powder but to no avail.

The officers were eventually able to handcuff Taylor and remove him from the car, but he had already swallowed what was believed to have been cocaine.

Taylor was charged with assault and battery on a police officer, disorderly conduct, and not using a turn signal.

But no drugs charges were brought against him - as there was no evidence.

Police used a dog to search the car for other drugs but nothing was found.

Taylor pleaded not guilty at Framingham District Court yesterday and was released without bail. He is due back in court January 6 for a pretrial conference.

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